There are five different mistletoe preparations available:
All mistletoe preparations are extracts from the whole plant with a large spectrum of constituents.
For manufacturing, mistletoes plants are processed separately according to host trees. The host tree from which the extract originates can be identified by the preparation name. The letter M thus means "malus" (L. = apple tree), P stands for "pinus" (L. = pine), A for "abies" (L. = fir), Qu for "quercus" (L. = oak), to name only the most important ones.
Mistletoe is harvested both in summer and in winter, taking into account the proportion of male and female plants. Depending on the company producing the mistletoe, the harvested material is processed using different methods, and mixed later.
The extracts are administered in increasing dosages, Thereby, the dosage depend on the patient's reaction. Mistletoe therapy is therefore always a very individual therapy.
During the mistletoe harvest – here around the summer solstice – attention is also paid to the ratio of female to male mistletoe plants.
In winter, the mistletoe harvest is often a small adventure - especially when the lush bushes hang high up in the trees and can only be reached by a long ladder.
Mistletoe preparations are available in special series packages with increasing dosages or as sort packages with constant concentrations. Doses range from low concentrations (e.g. 0.0001 milligrams for Iscador®) to high concentrations such as 100 milligrams of extract from 100 milligrams of fresh mistletoe plant in some preparations of Helixor® or 20 milligrams for some preparations of abnobaVISCUM® or Iscador®.
The selection of the type of host tree from which the mistletoe used in the extract should be taken depends on the constitution of the patient and the type of cancer.