
Iscador® is based on pharmaceutical suggestions by Rudolf Steiner and was approved in 1926. The physician Ita Wegman, who had already developed a first mistletoe preparation (Iscar) in 1917 together with a pharmacist in Zurich, was also responsible for the development of Iscador® and in 1935 she co-founded the Society for Cancer Research (VfK) in Arlesheim (Switzerland).

In 1949, the Society for Cancer Research founded Hiscia Institute where the production of Iscador® has been taking place ever since. The objective of the Society for Cancer Research to this date remains the research and further development of mistletoe therapy for cancer.

Until autumn 2015, Iscador® was distributed by Weleda AG in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Since then Iscador AG founded by the Society for Cancer Research in Arlesheim/Switzerland and Lörrach/Germany, has been responsible for sales and marketing.


The freshly harvested mistletoe branches are carefully sorted and prepared for further processing.

Via twelve tubes the summer juice is dripped onto a large rotating disc and mixed with the winter juice.

Iscador® preparations are fermented aqueous extracts of mistletoe plants from the host trees apple (M = mali), pine (P = pini), oak (Qu = quercus) and elm (U = ulmi) and in Switzerland also from fir (A = abietis). Separated by host trees, the leaves, stems and buds of the mistletoe which have grown in the last few years are harvested in summer (June) and winter (November: berries, December: plant). The fermented summer and winter extracts are then produced into the medicinal product in a ratio of 1:1 by a special mixing process.

Iscador® preparations are available in different varieties with constant concentrations per package from 0.0001 milligrams to 20 milligrams, as well as in series (series 0, I, II) with different concentrations in one package.


The sorted mistletoe branches are pressed in a roller and mechanically macerated.

The aqueous extract is added with mistletoe's own lactic acid bacteria from mistletoe and fermented in this way.

The fermented pressed juice obtained in this way is then filled and processed further.

The majority of Iscador® preparations are also available with homeopathically dosaged (D8) additions of certain metal salts, e.g. malachite (copper carbonate), mercury sulphate or silver carbonate. These compositions are based on anthroposophic treatment concepts and complement the specific treatment with mistletoe.


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